sinh at cyclingvietnam dot net

Cycling Mekong Delta 3Days | BenTre TraVinh CanTho

Start 27.Feb; 16.Mar; 12 April
Distance of biking: 180 ~ 200 Km (van support available) and you can do this cycling trip all year round. Day by Day Day 1: Saigon to TraVinh....

Cycling Vietnam to Cambodia 4 days

All year round. Open group on 15.Sept.
Tour Description Distance of biking: ~ 200 Km Difficulty : Easy. Features: countryside trail, orchards, boat trips, bird garden, up the mighty...
$USD 595

Cycling mekong delta 5 days

Available all year round
Distance of biking: 200 ~ 400 Km (van support available) and you can do this cycling trip all year round.
$US 775$US 700