sinh at cyclingvietnam dot net
Cycling central Vietnam coast - Hue to Saigon 10 days

Vietnam central coast

Our starting city in this cycling tour is Hue city. You may fly to Hanoi, HoChiMinh City (aka Saigon), or DaNang. Then connect flight to Hue city in the central of Vietnam. Hue citadel, the Imperial city and Royal tombs of Nguyen Kings. After build up your bicycle or set up the bicycle, we will cycle around the city, with short visit to the Imperial city, then ride to LinhMu pagoda, and cycling around Hue royal tombs. After a nice down hill HaiVan pass, we have a flat ride ~ 45km through DaNang city and on to HoiAn ancient town. After HoiAn ancient town, we will a 3 hours transfer south, passing TamKy, QuangNgai city and on to SaHuynh beach. From here, we start cycling on small road connecting between fishing villages, some hills and flat road a long the coast. DeGi river mouth,...
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Rocky mountain bike - the warrior of Vietnam adventure tours

Rocky mountain bike – The warrior of Vietnam adventure tours

Rocky mountain bike – the warrior of Vietnam adventure tours Rocky mountain bike – imported from Canada to Vietnam late 2000. This bike fleet was used by my partner – Handspan in Hanoi for “Sapa Vietnam mountain bike tours”. Early 2002, I bought these Rocky mountain bikes, took it to Saigon, fixed all the gears, add new gears and tuned up all the bikes. Half of these bikes were brought back to Hanoi for Vietnam adventure tours : Sapa and the northwest loop to the battle of DienBienPhu. Dàn chiến binh Rocky moutain từ Handspan Hanoi chuyển vô, được tu bổ lại tại Saigon năm 2002.   Sau khi tân trang lại xong thì dàn Rocky này được gửi ra Hà nội để chinh chiến tiếp các cung đường dữ dội nhất vào năm 2002 và 2004. Leo đèo Ô qui hồ Sapa. Tháng 10. 20...
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Cycling Vietnam routes

See below the list of area that we scored our Cycling Vietnam routes on the Garmin GPS. Formerly it was impossible to scored Garmin details in the remote mountains. Feel free to download Gpx file for your references. If you have any questions about Cycling routes from Vietnam to Laos, Vietnam to Cambodia, or you need good maps for cycling, please let us know. 1. Hanoi and the northern provincesHanoi to SonTay along the Red river. Youtube clip: Hanoi to SonTay (stage 1 and 2) 2. Ho Chi Minh Trail from Hanoi to DMZ area and Hue. Hanoi to XuanMai – On HoChiMinh trail to NhoQuan and NinhBinh Stage 1: HCM trail : Xuân Mai – Chợ Bến...
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Packing list for cycling in Vietnam

   Packing list for Cycling in Vietnam: Back in the 90s, local Vietnamese used very simple bike. It was difficult to find bike gears and tools to fix your bike. Now you can find some places to fix your bike in big city: Hanoi, Hue, Ho Chi Minh city. However, some gear still a must for you to bring in. See below the bike gears that you should have before you go, and a safe way for cycling in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Safe way for Cycling in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia: – Ride your bike about 1 meter from the road edge; riding too close to the edge makes you less visible and more vulnerable to rough surfaces. – Do not weave across the road when climbing up hill. Keep the right side when going down hill. – Be cautious, especially on narrow, winding and hilly roads it...
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